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Dec Hex Oct Binary HTML Code HTML Name Character Description
0 00 000 00000000 NUL Null
1 01 001 00000001  SOH Start of Heading
2 02 002 00000010  STX Start of Text
3 03 003 00000011  ETX End of Text
4 04 004 00000100  EOT End of Transmission
5 05 005 00000101  ENQ Enquiry
6 06 006 00000110  ACK Acknowledge
7 07 007 00000111  BEL Bell
8 08 010 00001000  BS Backspace
9 09 011 00001001 HT Horizontal Tab
10 0A 012 00001010 LF NL Line Feed, New Line
11 0B 013 00001011 VT Vertical Tab
12 0C 014 00001100 FF NP Form Feed, New Page
13 0D 015 00001101 CR Carriage Return
14 0E 016 00001110  SO Shift Out
15 0F 017 00001111  SI Shift In
16 10 020 00010000  DLE Data Link Escape
17 11 021 00010001  DC1 Device Control 1
18 12 022 00010010  DC2 Device Control 2
19 13 023 00010011  DC3 Device Control 3
20 14 024 00010100  DC4 Device Control 4
21 15 025 00010101  NAK Negative Acknowledge
22 16 026 00010110  SYN Synchronous Idle
23 17 027 00010111  ETB End of Transmission Block
24 18 030 00011000  CAN Cancel
25 19 031 00011001  EM End of Medium
26 1A 032 00011010  SUB Substitute
27 1B 033 00011011  ESC Escape
28 1C 034 00011100  FS File Separator
29 1D 035 00011101  GS Group Separator
30 1E 036 00011110  RS Record Separator
31 1F 037 00011111  US Unit Separator
32 20 040 00100000 (Space) Space
33 21 041 00100001 ! ! ! Exclamation Mark
34 22 042 00100010 " " " Double Quote
35 23 043 00100011 # # # Hash or Number
36 24 044 00100100 $ $ $ Dollar Sign
37 25 045 00100101 % % % Percentage
38 26 046 00100110 & & & Ampersand
39 27 047 00100111 ' ' ' Single Quote
40 28 050 00101000 ( ( ( Left Parenthesis
41 29 051 00101001 ) ) ) Right Parenthesis
42 2A 052 00101010 * * * Asterisk
43 2B 053 00101011 + + + Plus Sign
44 2C 054 00101100 , , , Comma
45 2D 055 00101101 - - Minus Sign
46 2E 056 00101110 . . . Period
47 2F 057 00101111 / / / Slash
48 30 060 00110000 0 0 Zero
49 31 061 00110001 1 1 Number One
50 32 062 00110010 2 2 Number Two
51 33 063 00110011 3 3 Number Three
52 34 064 00110100 4 4 Number Four
53 35 065 00110101 5 5 Number Five
54 36 066 00110110 6 6 Number Six
55 37 067 00110111 7 7 Number Seven
56 38 070 00111000 8 8 Number Eight
57 39 071 00111001 9 9 Number Nine
58 3A 072 00111010 : : : Colon
59 3B 073 00111011 ; ; ; Semicolon
60 3C 074 00111100 < < < Less Than
61 3D 075 00111101 = = = Equals Sign
62 3E 076 00111110 > > > Greater Than
63 3F 077 00111111 ? ? ? Question Mark
64 40 100 01000000 @ @ @ At Sign
65 41 101 01000001 A A Upper Case Letter A
66 42 102 01000010 B B Upper Case Letter B
67 43 103 01000011 C C Upper Case Letter C
68 44 104 01000100 D D Upper Case Letter D
69 45 105 01000101 E E Upper Case Letter E
70 46 106 01000110 F F Upper Case Letter F
71 47 107 01000111 G G Upper Case Letter G
72 48 110 01001000 H H Upper Case Letter H
73 49 111 01001001 I I Upper Case Letter I
74 4A 112 01001010 J J Upper Case Letter J
75 4B 113 01001011 K K Upper Case Letter K
76 4C 114 01001100 L L Upper Case Letter L
77 4D 115 01001101 M M Upper Case Letter M
78 4E 116 01001110 N N Upper Case Letter N
79 4F 117 01001111 O O Upper Case Letter O
80 50 120 01010000 P P Upper Case Letter P
81 51 121 01010001 Q Q Upper Case Letter Q
82 52 122 01010010 R R Upper Case Letter R
83 53 123 01010011 S S Upper Case Letter S
84 54 124 01010100 T T Upper Case Letter T
85 55 125 01010101 U U Upper Case Letter U
86 56 126 01010110 V V Upper Case Letter V
87 57 127 01010111 W W Upper Case Letter W
88 58 130 01011000 X X Upper Case Letter X
89 59 131 01011001 Y Y Upper Case Letter Y
90 5A 132 01011010 Z Z Upper Case Letter Z
91 5B 133 01011011 [ [ [ Left Square Bracket
92 5C 134 01011100 \ \ \ Backslash
93 5D 135 01011101 ] ] ] Right Square Bracket
94 5E 136 01011110 ^ &hat; ^ Caret or Circumflex
95 5F 137 01011111 _ _ _ Underscore
96 60 140 01100000 ` ` ` Grave Accent
97 61 141 01100001 a a Lower Case Letter a
98 62 142 01100010 b b Lower Case Letter b
99 63 143 01100011 c c Lower Case Letter c
100 64 144 01100100 d d Lower Case Letter d
101 65 145 01100101 e e Lower Case Letter e
102 66 146 01100110 f f Lower Case Letter f
103 67 147 01100111 g g Lower Case Letter g
104 68 150 01101000 h h Lower Case Letter h
105 69 151 01101001 i i Lower Case Letter i
106 6A 152 01101010 j j Lower Case Letter j
107 6B 153 01101011 k k Lower Case Letter k
108 6C 154 01101100 l l Lower Case Letter l
109 6D 155 01101101 m m Lower Case Letter m
110 6E 156 01101110 n n Lower Case Letter n
111 6F 157 01101111 o o Lower Case Letter o
112 70 160 01110000 p p Lower Case Letter p
113 71 161 01110001 q q Lower Case Letter q
114 72 162 01110010 r r Lower Case Letter r
115 73 163 01110011 s s Lower Case Letter s
116 74 164 01110100 t t Lower Case Letter t
117 75 165 01110101 u u Lower Case Letter u
118 76 166 01110110 v v Lower Case Letter v
119 77 167 01110111 w w Lower Case Letter w
120 78 170 01111000 x x Lower Case Letter x
121 79 171 01111001 y y Lower Case Letter y
122 7A 172 01111010 z z Lower Case Letter z
123 7B 173 01111011 { { { Left Curly Bracket
124 7C 174 01111100 | | | Vertical Bar
125 7D 175 01111101 } } } Right Curly Bracket
126 7E 176 01111110 ~ ˜ ~ Tilde
127 7F 177 01111111  DEL Delete
128 80 200 10000000 Ç Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla
129 81 201 10000001  ü Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis
130 82 202 10000010 é Latin Small Letter E With Acute
131 83 203 10000011 ƒ â Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex
132 84 204 10000100 ä Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis
133 85 205 10000101 à Latin Small Letter A With Grave
134 86 206 10000110 å Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above
135 87 207 10000111 ç Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla
136 88 210 10001000 ˆ ê Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex
137 89 211 10001001 ë Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis
138 8A 212 10001010 Š è Latin Small Letter E With Grave
139 8B 213 10001011 ï Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis
140 8C 214 10001100 Œ î Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex
141 8D 215 10001101  ì Latin Small Letter I With Grave
142 8E 216 10001110 Ž Ä Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
143 8F 217 10001111  Å Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above
144 90 220 10010000  É Latin Capital Letter E With Acute
145 91 221 10010001 § Latin Small Letter Ae
146 92 222 10010010 Æ Latin Capital Letter Ae
147 93 223 10010011 ô Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex
148 94 224 10010100 ö Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis
149 95 225 10010101 ò Latin Small Letter O With Grave
150 96 226 10010110 û Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex
151 97 227 10010111 ù Latin Small Letter U With Grave
152 98 230 10011000 ˜ ÿ Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis
153 99 231 10011001 Ö Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
154 9A 232 10011010 š Ü Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
155 9B 233 10011011 ¢ Cent Sign
156 9C 234 10011100 œ £ Pound Sign, Pound Sterling, Irish Punt, Lira Sign
157 9D 235 10011101  ¥ Yen Sign, Yuan Sign
158 9E 236 10011110 ž Peseta Sign
159 9F 237 10011111 Ÿ ƒ Latin Small Letter F With Hook, Florin Currency Symbol, Function Symbol
160 A0 240 10100000   á Latin Small Letter A With Acute
161 A1 241 10100001 ¡ í Latin Small Letter I With Acute
162 A2 242 10100010 ¢ ó Latin Small Letter O With Acute
163 A3 243 10100011 £ ú Latin Small Letter U With Acute
164 A4 244 10100100 ¤ ñ Latin Small Letter N With Tilde, Small Letter Enye
165 A5 245 10100101 ¥ Ñ Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde, Capital Letter Enye
166 A6 246 10100110 ¦ ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator
167 A7 247 10100111 § º Masculine Ordinal Indicator
168 A8 250 10101000 ¨ ¿ Inverted Question Mark, Turned Question Mark
169 A9 251 10101001 © Reversed Not Sign, Beginning Of Line
170 AA 252 10101010 ª ¬ Not Sign, Angled Dash
171 AB 253 10101011 « ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half
172 AC 254 10101100 ¬ ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
173 AD 255 10101101 ­ ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark
174 AE 256 10101110 ® « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Left Guillemet, Chevrons
175 AF 257 10101111 ¯ » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Right Guillemet
176 B0 260 10110000 ° Light Shade
177 B1 261 10110001 ± Medium Shade, Speckles Fill, Dotted Fill
178 B2 262 10110010 ² Dark Shade
179 B3 263 10110011 ³ Box Drawings Light Vertical
180 B4 264 10110100 ´ Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left
181 B5 265 10110101 µ Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double
182 B6 266 10110110 Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single
183 B7 267 10110111 · Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single
184 B8 270 10111000 ¸ Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double
185 B9 271 10111001 ¹ Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left
186 BA 272 10111010 º Box Drawings Double Vertical
187 BB 273 10111011 » Box Drawings Double Down And Left
188 BC 274 10111100 ¼ Box Drawings Double Up And Left
189 BD 275 10111101 ½ Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single
190 BE 276 10111110 ¾ Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double
191 BF 277 10111111 ¿ Box Drawings Light Down And Left
192 C0 300 11000000 À Box Drawings Light Up And Right
193 C1 301 11000001 Á Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal
194 C2 302 11000010 Â Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal
195 C3 303 11000011 Ã Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right
196 C4 304 11000100 Ä Box Drawings Light Horizontal
197 C5 305 11000101 Å Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal
198 C6 306 11000110 Æ Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double
199 C7 307 11000111 Ç Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single
200 C8 310 11001000 È Box Drawings Double Up And Right
201 C9 311 11001001 É Box Drawings Double Down And Right
202 CA 312 11001010 Ê Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal
203 CB 313 11001011 Ë Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal
204 CC 314 11001100 Ì Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right
205 CD 315 11001101 Í Box Drawings Double Horizontal
206 CE 316 11001110 Î Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal
207 CF 317 11001111 Ï Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double
208 D0 320 11010000 Ð Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single
209 D1 321 11010001 Ñ Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double
210 D2 322 11010010 Ò Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single
211 D3 323 11010011 Ó Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single
212 D4 324 11010100 Ô Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double
213 D5 325 11010101 Õ Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double
214 D6 326 11010110 Ö Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single
215 D7 327 11010111 × Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single
216 D8 330 11011000 Ø Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double
217 D9 331 11011001 Ù Box Drawings Light Up And Left
218 DA 332 11011010 Ú Box Drawings Light Down And Right
219 DB 333 11011011 Û Full Block, Solid Block
220 DC 334 11011100 Ü Lower Half Block
221 DD 335 11011101 Ý Left Half Block
222 DE 336 11011110 Þ Right Half Block
223 DF 337 11011111 ß Upper Half Block
224 E0 340 11100000 à α Greek Small Letter Alpha
225 E1 341 11100001 á ß Latin Small Letter Sharp S, Eszett
226 E2 342 11100010 â Γ Greek Capital Letter Gamma
227 E3 343 11100011 ã π Greek Small Letter Pi
228 E4 344 11100100 ä Σ Greek Capital Letter Sigma
229 E5 345 11100101 å σ Greek Small Letter Sigma
230 E6 346 11100110 æ µ Micro Sign
231 E7 347 11100111 ç τ Greek Capital Letter Tau
232 E8 350 11101000 è Φ Greek Capital Letter Phi
233 E9 351 11101001 é Θ Greek Capital Letter Theta
234 EA 352 11101010 ê Ω Greek Capital Letter Omega
235 EB 353 11101011 ë δ Greek Small Letter Delta
236 EC 354 11101100 ì Infinity
237 ED 355 11101101 í φ Greek Small Letter Phi
238 EE 356 11101110 î ε Greek Small Letter Epsilon
239 EF 357 11101111 ï Intersection
240 F0 360 11110000 ð Identical To
241 F1 361 11110001 ñ ± Plus-Minus Sign
242 F2 362 11110010 ò Greater-Than Or Equal To
243 F3 363 11110011 ó Less-Than Or Equal To
244 F4 364 11110100 ô Top Half Integral
245 F5 365 11110101 õ Bottom Half Integral
246 F6 366 11110110 ö ÷ Division Sign, Obelus
247 F7 367 11110111 ÷ Almost Equal To, Asymptotic To
248 F8 370 11111000 ø ° Degree Sign
249 F9 371 11111001 ù Bullet Operator
250 FA 372 11111010 ú · Middle Dot, Interpunct
251 FB 373 11111011 û Square Root, Radical Sign
252 FC 374 11111100 ü Superscript Latin Small Letter N
253 FD 375 11111101 ý ² Superscript Two, Squared
254 FE 376 11111110 þ Black Square
255 FF 377 11111111 ÿ Non-Breaking Space, NBSP

ALT Codes

Some characters are not present on the keyboard.

To be able to type them:

  • Make sure Num Lock is ON
  • Hold down the ALT Key
  • Type the relevant number on the numeric keypad
  • Release the ALT key
ALT Code Char Description
ALT 1 White Smiley Face
ALT 2 Black Smiley Face
ALT 3 Black Heart Suit
ALT 4 Black Diamond Suit
ALT 5 Black Club Suit
ALT 6 Black Spade Suit
ALT 7 Bullet
ALT 8 Inverse Bullet
ALT 9 White Circle
ALT 10 Inverse White Circle
ALT 11 Male Sign, Mars
ALT 12 Female Sign, Venus
ALT 13 Eighth Note, Quaver
ALT 14 Beamed Eighth Notes, Barred Eighth Notes, Beamed Quavers
ALT 15 White Sun With Rays
ALT 16 Black Right-Pointing Pointer
ALT 17 Black Left-Pointing Pointer
ALT 18 Up Down Arrow
ALT 19 Double Exclamation Mark
ALT 20 Pilcrow Sign, Paragraph Sign
ALT 21 § Section Sign
ALT 22 Black Rectangle
ALT 23 Up Down Arrow With Base
ALT 24 Upwards Arrow
ALT 25 Downwards Arrow
ALT 26 Rightwards Arrow, Z Notation Total Function
ALT 27 Leftwards Arrow
ALT 28 Right Angle
ALT 29 Left Right Arrow, Z Notation Relation
ALT 30 Black Up-Pointing Triangle
ALT 31 Black Down-Pointing Triangle
ALT 32 Space
ALT 33 ! Exclamation Mark, Factorial
ALT 34 Quotation Mark
ALT 35 # Number Sign, Pound Sign, Hash, Crosshatch, Octothorpe
ALT 36 $ Dollar Sign, Milréis, Escudo
ALT 37 % Percent Sign
ALT 38 & Ampersand
ALT 39 Apostrophe
ALT 40 ( Left Parenthesis, Opening Parenthesis
ALT 41 ) Right Parenthesis, Closing Parenthesis
ALT 42 * Asterisk, Star
ALT 43 + Plus Sign
ALT 44 , Comma, Decimal Separator
ALT 45 Hyphen, Minus Sign
ALT 46 . Full Stop, Period, Dot, Decimal Point
ALT 47 / Solidus, Slash, Forward Slash, Virgule
ALT 48 0 Digit Zero
ALT 49 1 Digit One
ALT 50 2 Digit Two
ALT 51 3 Digit Three
ALT 52 4 Digit Four
ALT 53 5 Digit Five
ALT 54 6 Digit Six
ALT 55 7 Digit Seven
ALT 56 8 Digit Eight
ALT 57 9 Digit Nine
ALT 58 : Colon
ALT 59 ; Semicolon
ALT 60 < Less-Than Sign
ALT 61 = Equals Sign
ALT 62 > Greater-Than Sign
ALT 63 ? Question Mark
ALT 64 @ Commercial At, At Sign
ALT 65 A Latin Capital Letter A
ALT 66 B Latin Capital Letter B
ALT 67 C Latin Capital Letter C
ALT 68 D Latin Capital Letter D
ALT 69 E Latin Capital Letter E
ALT 70 F Latin Capital Letter F
ALT 71 G Latin Capital Letter G
ALT 72 H Latin Capital Letter H
ALT 73 I Latin Capital Letter I
ALT 74 J Latin Capital Letter J
ALT 75 K Latin Capital Letter K
ALT 76 L Latin Capital Letter L
ALT 77 M Latin Capital Letter M
ALT 78 N Latin Capital Letter N
ALT 79 O Latin Capital Letter O
ALT 80 P Latin Capital Letter P
ALT 81 Q Latin Capital Letter Q
ALT 82 R Latin Capital Letter R
ALT 83 S Latin Capital Letter S
ALT 84 T Latin Capital Letter T
ALT 85 U Latin Capital Letter U
ALT 86 V Latin Capital Letter V
ALT 87 W Latin Capital Letter W
ALT 88 X Latin Capital Letter X
ALT 89 Y Latin Capital Letter Y
ALT 90 Z Latin Capital Letter Z
ALT 91 [ Left Square Bracket, Opening Square Bracket
ALT 92 \ Reverse Solidus, Back Slash
ALT 93 ] Right Square Bracket, Closing Square Bracket
ALT 94 ^ Circumflex Accent
ALT 95 _ Low Line, Underscore
ALT 96 ` Grave Accent
ALT 97 a Latin Small Letter A
ALT 98 b Latin Small Letter B
ALT 99 c Latin Small Letter C
ALT 100 d Latin Small Letter D
ALT 101 e Latin Small Letter E
ALT 102 f Latin Small Letter F
ALT 103 g Latin Small Letter G
ALT 104 h Latin Small Letter H
ALT 105 i Latin Small Letter I
ALT 106 j Latin Small Letter J
ALT 107 k Latin Small Letter K
ALT 108 l Latin Small Letter L
ALT 109 m Latin Small Letter M
ALT 110 n Latin Small Letter N
ALT 111 o Latin Small Letter O
ALT 112 p Latin Small Letter P
ALT 113 q Latin Small Letter Q
ALT 114 r Latin Small Letter R
ALT 115 s Latin Small Letter S
ALT 116 t Latin Small Letter T
ALT 117 u Latin Small Letter U
ALT 118 v Latin Small Letter V
ALT 119 w Latin Small Letter W
ALT 120 x Latin Small Letter X
ALT 121 y Latin Small Letter Y
ALT 122 z Latin Small Letter Z
ALT 123 { Left Curly Bracket, Opening Curly Bracket, Left Brace
ALT 124 | Vertical Line, Vertical Bar
ALT 125 } Right Curly Bracket, Closing Curly Bracket, Right Brace
ALT 126 ~ Tilde
ALT 127 House
ALT 128 Ç Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla
ALT 129 ü Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis
ALT 130 é Latin Small Letter E With Acute
ALT 131 â Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex
ALT 132 ä Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis
ALT 133 à Latin Small Letter A With Grave
ALT 134 å Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above
ALT 135 ç Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla
ALT 136 ê Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex
ALT 137 ë Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis
ALT 138 è Latin Small Letter E With Grave
ALT 139 ï Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis
ALT 140 î Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex
ALT 141 ì Latin Small Letter I With Grave
ALT 142 Ä Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
ALT 143 Å Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above
ALT 144 É Latin Capital Letter E With Acute
ALT 145 § Latin Small Letter Ae
ALT 146 Æ Latin Capital Letter Ae
ALT 147 ô Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex
ALT 148 ö Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis
ALT 149 ò Latin Small Letter O With Grave
ALT 150 û Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex
ALT 151 ù Latin Small Letter U With Grave
ALT 152 ÿ Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis
ALT 153 Ö Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
ALT 154 Ü Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
ALT 155 ¢ Cent Sign
ALT 156 £ Pound Sign, Pound Sterling, Irish Punt, Lira Sign
ALT 157 ¥ Yen Sign, Yuan Sign
ALT 158 Peseta Sign
ALT 159 ƒ Latin Small Letter F With Hook, Florin Currency Symbol, Function Symbol
ALT 160 á Latin Small Letter A With Acute
ALT 161 í Latin Small Letter I With Acute
ALT 162 ó Latin Small Letter O With Acute
ALT 163 ú Latin Small Letter U With Acute
ALT 164 ñ Latin Small Letter N With Tilde, Small Letter Enye
ALT 165 Ñ Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde, Capital Letter Enye
ALT 166 ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator
ALT 167 º Masculine Ordinal Indicator
ALT 168 ¿ Inverted Question Mark, Turned Question Mark
ALT 169 Reversed Not Sign, Beginning Of Line
ALT 170 ¬ Not Sign, Angled Dash
ALT 171 ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half
ALT 172 ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
ALT 173 ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark
ALT 174 « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Left Guillemet, Chevrons
ALT 175 » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Right Guillemet
ALT 176 Light Shade
ALT 177 Medium Shade, Speckles Fill, Dotted Fill
ALT 178 Dark Shade
ALT 179 Box Drawings Light Vertical
ALT 180 Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left
ALT 181 Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double
ALT 182 Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single
ALT 183 Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single
ALT 184 Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double
ALT 185 Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left
ALT 186 Box Drawings Double Vertical
ALT 187 Box Drawings Double Down And Left
ALT 188 Box Drawings Double Up And Left
ALT 189 Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single
ALT 190 Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double
ALT 191 Box Drawings Light Down And Left
ALT 192 Box Drawings Light Up And Right
ALT 193 Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal
ALT 194 Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal
ALT 195 Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right
ALT 196 Box Drawings Light Horizontal
ALT 197 Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal
ALT 198 Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double
ALT 199 Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single
ALT 200 Box Drawings Double Up And Right
ALT 201 Box Drawings Double Down And Right
ALT 202 Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal
ALT 203 Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal
ALT 204 Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right
ALT 205 Box Drawings Double Horizontal
ALT 206 Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal
ALT 207 Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double
ALT 208 Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single
ALT 209 Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double
ALT 210 Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single
ALT 211 Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single
ALT 212 Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double
ALT 213 Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double
ALT 214 Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single
ALT 215 Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single
ALT 216 Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double
ALT 217 Box Drawings Light Up And Left
ALT 218 Box Drawings Light Down And Right
ALT 219 Full Block, Solid Block
ALT 220 Lower Half Block
ALT 221 Left Half Block
ALT 222 Right Half Block
ALT 223 Upper Half Block
ALT 224 α Greek Small Letter Alpha
ALT 225 ß Latin Small Letter Sharp S, Eszett
ALT 226 Γ Greek Capital Letter Gamma
ALT 227 π Greek Small Letter Pi
ALT 228 Σ Greek Capital Letter Sigma
ALT 229 σ Greek Small Letter Sigma
ALT 230 µ Micro Sign
ALT 231 τ Greek Capital Letter Tau
ALT 232 Φ Greek Capital Letter Phi
ALT 233 Θ Greek Capital Letter Theta
ALT 234 Ω Greek Capital Letter Omega
ALT 235 δ Greek Small Letter Delta
ALT 236 Infinity
ALT 237 φ Greek Small Letter Phi
ALT 238 ε Greek Small Letter Epsilon
ALT 239 Intersection
ALT 240 Identical To
ALT 241 ± Plus-Minus Sign
ALT 242 Greater-Than Or Equal To
ALT 243 Less-Than Or Equal To
ALT 244 Top Half Integral
ALT 245 Bottom Half Integral
ALT 246 ÷ Division Sign, Obelus
ALT 247 Almost Equal To, Asymptotic To
ALT 248 ° Degree Sign
ALT 249 Bullet Operator
ALT 250 · Middle Dot, Interpunct
ALT 251 Square Root, Radical Sign
ALT 252 Superscript Latin Small Letter N
ALT 253 ² Superscript Two, Squared
ALT 254 Black Square
ALT 255 Non-Breaking Space, NBSP
ALT 0128 Euro Sign
ALT 0130 Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
ALT 0131 ƒ Latin Small Letter F With Hook, Florin Currency Symbol, Function
ALT 0132 Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
ALT 0133 Horizontal Ellipsis, Three Dot Leader
ALT 0134 Dagger, Obelisk, Cross
ALT 0135 Double Dagger, Double Obelisk, Diesis
ALT 0136 ˆ Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent
ALT 0137 Per Mille Sign, Per Thousand
ALT 0138 Š Latin Capital Letter S With Caron, S Hacek
ALT 0139 Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Left Guillemet
ALT 0140 ΠLatin Capital Ligature Oe
ALT 0142 Ž Latin Capital Letter Z With Caron, Z Hacek
ALT 0145 Left Single Quotation Mark
ALT 0146 Right Single Quotation Mark
ALT 0147 Left Double Quotation Mark
ALT 0148 Right Double Quotation Mark
ALT 0149 Bullet
ALT 0150 En Dash
ALT 0151 Em Dash
ALT 0152 ˜ Small Tilde
ALT 0153 Trade Mark Sign
ALT 0154 š Latin Small Letter S With Caron, S Hacek
ALT 0155 Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Right Guillemet
ALT 0156 œ Latin Small Ligature Oe
ALT 0158 ž Latin Small Letter Z With Caron, Z Hacek
ALT 0159 Ÿ Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis
ALT 0160 No-Break Space, Non-Breaking Space, Nbsp
ALT 0161 ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark
ALT 0162 ¢ Cent Sign
ALT 0163 ¥ Pound Sign, Pound Sterling, Irish Punt, Lira Sign
ALT 0164 ¤ Currency Sign
ALT 0165 ¥ Yen Sign, Yuan Sign
ALT 0166 ¦ Broken Bar, Parted Rule
ALT 0167 § Section Sign
ALT 0168 ¨ Diaeresis
ALT 0169 © Copyright Sign
ALT 0170 ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator
ALT 0171 « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Left Guillemet, Chevrons
ALT 0172 ¬ Not Sign, Angled Dash
ALT 0173 ­ Soft Hyphen, Discretionary Hyphen
ALT 0174 ® Registered Sign
ALT 0175 ¯ Macron, Overline, Overbar
ALT 0176 ° Degree Sign
ALT 0177 ± Plus-Minus Sign
ALT 0178 ² Superscript Two, Squared
ALT 0179 ³ Superscript Three, Cubed
ALT 0180 ´ Acute Accent
ALT 0181 µ Micro Sign
ALT 0182 Pilcrow Sign, Paragraph Sign
ALT 0183 · Middle Dot, Midpoint, Georgian Comma, Greek Ano Teleia
ALT 0184 ¸ Cedilla
ALT 0185 ¹ Superscript One
ALT 0186 º Masculine Ordinal Indicator
ALT 0187 » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Right Guillemet
ALT 0188 ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
ALT 0189 ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half
ALT 0190 ¾ Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters
ALT 0191 ¿ Inverted Question Mark, Turned Question Mark
ALT 0192 À Latin Capital Letter A With Grave
ALT 0193 Á Latin Capital Letter A With Acute
ALT 0194 Â Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex
ALT 0195 Ã Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde
ALT 0196 Ä Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
ALT 0197 Å Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above
ALT 0198 Æ Latin Capital Letter Ae
ALT 0199 Ç Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla
ALT 0200 È Latin Capital Letter E With Grave
ALT 0201 É Latin Capital Letter E With Acute
ALT 0202 Ê Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex
ALT 0203 Ë Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis
ALT 0204 Ì Latin Capital Letter I With Grave
ALT 0205 Í Latin Capital Letter I With Acute
ALT 0206 Î Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex
ALT 0207 Ï Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis
ALT 0208 Ð Latin Capital Letter Eth
ALT 0209 Ñ Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde, Capital Letter Enye
ALT 0210 Ò Latin Capital Letter O With Grave
ALT 0211 Ó Latin Capital Letter O With Acute
ALT 0212 Ô Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex
ALT 0213 Õ Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde
ALT 0214 Ö Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
ALT 0215 × Multiplication Sign, Cartesian Product
ALT 0216 Ø Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke
ALT 0217 Ù Latin Capital Letter U With Grave
ALT 0218 Ú Latin Capital Letter U With Acute
ALT 0219 Û Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex
ALT 0220 Ü Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
ALT 0221 Ý Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute
ALT 0222 Þ Latin Capital Letter Thorn
ALT 0223 ß Latin Small Letter Sharp S, Eszett
ALT 0224 à Latin Small Letter A With Grave
ALT 0225 á Latin Small Letter A With Acute
ALT 0226 â Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex
ALT 0227 ã Latin Small Letter A With Tilde
ALT 0228 ä Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis
ALT 0229 å Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above
ALT 0230 æ Latin Small Letter Ae, Ash
ALT 0231 ç Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla
ALT 0232 è Latin Small Letter E With Grave
ALT 0233 é Latin Small Letter E With Acute
ALT 0234 ê Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex
ALT 0235 ë Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis
ALT 0236 ì Latin Small Letter I With Grave
ALT 0237 í Latin Small Letter I With Acute
ALT 0238 î Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex
ALT 0239 ï Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis
ALT 0240 ð Latin Small Letter Eth
ALT 0241 ñ Latin Small Letter N With Tilde, Small Letter Enye
ALT 0242 ò Latin Small Letter O With Grave
ALT 0243 ó Latin Small Letter O With Acute
ALT 0244 ô Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex
ALT 0245 õ Latin Small Letter O With Tilde
ALT 0246 ö Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis
ALT 0247 ÷ Division Sign, Obelus
ALT 0248 ø Latin Small Letter O With Stroke
ALT 0249 ù Latin Small Letter U With Grave
ALT 0250 ú Latin Small Letter U With Acute
ALT 0251 û Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex
ALT 0252 ü Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis
ALT 0253 ý Latin Small Letter Y With Acute
ALT 0254 þ Latin Small Letter Thorn
ALT 0255 ÿ Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis


My Unicode Symbol (Hexadecimal "0xFAB1") is &#xFAB1;

If your font supports this it should look like this: 缾


Similar Chars

Unicode look-alikes to "normal" chars :D

Original Char Look-Alikes
a ạ ą ä à á ą α à á â ã ä å ɑ а aa
b ḃ ḅ ḇ Ь b
c ç ć ĉ ċ č c ⅽ с ϲ ḉ
d ɗ ď ḋ ḍ ḏ ḑ ḓ
e e, é, ê, ë, ē, ĕ, ė, ę, ě, ȅ, ȇ, ȩ, ḕ, ḗ, ḙ, ḛ, ḝ, ẹ, ẻ, ẽ, ế, ề, ể, ễ, ệ, e̳
f f ḟ
g ġ
h һ
i і í ï
j ј ʝ
k κ
l ӏ ḷ
n ո
o о ο օ ȯ ọ ỏ ơ ó ò ö
p р
q զ
s ʂ, s, ś, ŝ, ş, š, ș, ṡ, ṣ, ṥ, ṧ, ṩ
u υ ս ü ú ù
v ν ѵ
x х ҳ
y у ý
z ʐ ż
B B ß ʙ Β β В Ᏼ ᛒ B b
C C Ϲ С Ꮯ Ⅽ C c
D D d Ď ď Đ đ ԁ ժ Ꭰ ḍ Ⅾ ⅾ D d
E E e È É Ê Ë é ê ë Ē ē Ĕ ĕ Ė ė Ę Ě ě Ε Е е Ꭼ E e
F F f Ϝ F f
G G g ɡ ɢ Ԍ ն Ꮐ G g
H H h ʜ Η Н һ Ꮋ H h
I I i l ɩ Ι І і ا Ꭵ ᛁ Ⅰ ⅰ I i
J J j ϳ Ј ј յ Ꭻ J j
K K k Κ κ К Ꮶ ᛕ K K k
L L l ʟ ι ا Ꮮ Ⅼ ⅼ L l
M M m Μ Ϻ М Ꮇ ᛖ Ⅿ ⅿ M m
N N n ɴ Ν N n
O 0 O o Ο ο О о Օ O o
P P p Ρ ρ Р р Ꮲ P p
Q Q q Ⴍ Ⴓ Q q
R R r ʀ Ի Ꮢ ᚱ R r
S S s Ѕ ѕ Տ Ⴝ Ꮪ 𐐠 S s
T T t Τ τ Т Ꭲ T t
U Ù, Ú, Û, Ü, Ũ, Ū, Ŭ, Ů, Ű, Ų, Ư, Ǔ, Ǖ, Ǘ, Ǚ, Ǜ, Ụ, Ủ, Ứ, Ừ, Ử, Ữ, Ự, U u μ υ Ա Ս ⋃ U u
V V v ν Ѵ ѵ Ꮩ Ⅴ ⅴ V v
W W w ѡ Ꮃ W w
X X x Χ χ Х х Ⅹ ⅹ X x
Y Y y ʏ Υ γ у Ү Y y
Z Z z Ζ Ꮓ Z z
0 0 O o Ο ο О о Օ O o
1 1 I ا 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7
8 8 Ց 8
9 9 9

To get "normalize" or rid of most accents the following can be done:

import unicodedata
s=u'U, Ù, Ú, Û, Ü, Ũ, Ū, Ŭ, Ů, Ű, Ų, Ư, Ǔ, Ǖ, Ǘ, Ǚ, Ǜ, Ụ, Ủ, Ứ, Ừ, Ử, Ữ, Ự'
Short Long Description
NFD Normalization Form Canonical Decomposition Characters are decomposed by canonical equivalence, and multiple combining characters are arranged in a specific order.
NFC Normalization Form Canonical Composition Characters are decomposed and then recomposed by canonical equivalence.
NFKD Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposition Characters are decomposed by compatibility, and multiple combining characters are arranged in a specific order.
NFKC Normalization Form Compatibility Composition Characters are decomposed by compatibility, then recomposed by canonical equivalence.


Invisible Unicode characters

Tool to view invisible unicode characters:

Character Name
U+0020 SPACE
U+2000 EN QUAD
U+2001 EM QUAD

List of Unicode characters


Block Range Block Name (+Link to Unicode PDF)
U0000 - U007F Basic Latin
U0080 - U00FF Latin-1 Supplement
U0100 - U017F Latin Extended-A
U0180 - U024F Latin Extended-B
U0250 - U02AF IPA Extensions
U02B0 - U02FF Spacing Modifier Letters
U0300 - U036F Combining Diacritical Marks
U0370 - U03FF Greek and Coptic
U0400 - U04FF Cyrillic
U0500 - U052F Cyrillic Supplement
U0530 - U058F Armenian
U0590 - U05FF Hebrew
U0600 - U06FF Arabic
U0700 - U074F Syriac
U0750 - U077F Arabic Supplement
U0780 - U07BF Thaana
U07C0 - U07FF NKo
U0800 - U083F Samaritan
U0840 - U085F Mandaic
U0860 - U086F Syriac Supplement
U08A0 - U08FF Arabic Extended-A
U0900 - U097F Devanagari
U0980 - U09FF Bengali
U0A00 - U0A7F Gurmukhi
U0A80 - U0AFF Gujarati
U0B00 - U0B7F Oriya
U0B80 - U0BFF Tamil
U0C00 - U0C7F Telugu
U0C80 - U0CFF Kannada
U0D00 - U0D7F Malayalam
U0D80 - U0DFF Sinhala
U0E00 - U0E7F Thai
U0E80 - U0EFF Lao
U0F00 - U0FFF Tibetan
U1000 - U109F Myanmar
U10A0 - U10FF Georgian
U1100 - U11FF Hangul Jamo
U1200 - U137F Ethiopic
U1380 - U139F Ethiopic Supplement
U13A0 - U13FF Cherokee
U1400 - U167F Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
U1680 - U169F Ogham
U16A0 - U16FF Runic
U1700 - U171F Tagalog
U1720 - U173F Hanunoo
U1740 - U175F Buhid
U1760 - U177F Tagbanwa
U1780 - U17FF Khmer
U1800 - U18AF Mongolian
U18B0 - U18FF Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended
U1900 - U194F Limbu
U1950 - U197F Tai Le
U1980 - U19DF New Tai Lue
U19E0 - U19FF Khmer Symbols
U1A00 - U1A1F Buginese
U1A20 - U1AAF Tai Tham
U1AB0 - U1AFF Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
U1B00 - U1B7F Balinese
U1B80 - U1BBF Sundanese
U1BC0 - U1BFF Batak
U1C00 - U1C4F Lepcha
U1C50 - U1C7F Ol Chiki
U1C80 - U1C8F Cyrillic Extended-C
U1C90 - U1CBF Georgian Extended
U1CC0 - U1CCF Sundanese Supplement
U1CD0 - U1CFF Vedic Extensions
U1D00 - U1D7F Phonetic Extensions
U1D80 - U1DBF Phonetic Extensions Supplement
U1DC0 - U1DFF Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
U1E00 - U1EFF Latin Extended Additional
U1F00 - U1FFF Greek Extended
U2000 - U206F General Punctuation
U2070 - U209F Superscripts and Subscripts
U20A0 - U20CF Currency Symbols
U20D0 - U20FF Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
U2100 - U214F Letterlike Symbols
U2150 - U218F Number Forms
U2190 - U21FF Arrows
U2200 - U22FF Mathematical Operators
U2300 - U23FF Miscellaneous Technical
U2400 - U243F Control Pictures
U2440 - U245F Optical Character Recognition
U2460 - U24FF Enclosed Alphanumerics
U2500 - U257F Box Drawing
U2580 - U259F Block Elements
U25A0 - U25FF Geometric Shapes
U2600 - U26FF Miscellaneous Symbols
U2700 - U27BF Dingbats
U27C0 - U27EF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
U27F0 - U27FF Supplemental Arrows-A
U2800 - U28FF Braille Patterns
U2900 - U297F Supplemental Arrows-B
U2980 - U29FF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
U2A00 - U2AFF Supplemental Mathematical Operators
U2B00 - U2BFF Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
U2C00 - U2C5F Glagolitic
U2C60 - U2C7F Latin Extended-C
U2C80 - U2CFF Coptic
U2D00 - U2D2F Georgian Supplement
U2D30 - U2D7F Tifinagh
U2D80 - U2DDF Ethiopic Extended
U2DE0 - U2DFF Cyrillic Extended-A
U2E00 - U2E7F Supplemental Punctuation
U2E80 - U2EFF CJK Radicals Supplement
U2F00 - U2FDF Kangxi Radicals
U2FF0 - U2FFF Ideographic Description Characters
U3000 - U303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation
U3040 - U309F Hiragana
U30A0 - U30FF Katakana
U3100 - U312F Bopomofo
U3130 - U318F Hangul Compatibility Jamo
U3190 - U319F Kanbun
U31A0 - U31BF Bopomofo Extended
U31C0 - U31EF CJK Strokes
U31F0 - U31FF Katakana Phonetic Extensions
U3200 - U32FF Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
U3300 - U33FF CJK Compatibility
U3400 - U4DBF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
U4DC0 - U4DFF Yijing Hexagram Symbols
U4E00 - U9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs
UA000 - UA48F Yi Syllables
UA490 - UA4CF Yi Radicals
UA4D0 - UA4FF Lisu
UA500 - UA63F Vai
UA640 - UA69F Cyrillic Extended-B
UA6A0 - UA6FF Bamum
UA700 - UA71F Modifier Tone Letters
UA720 - UA7FF Latin Extended-D
UA800 - UA82F Syloti Nagri
UA830 - UA83F Common Indic Number Forms
UA840 - UA87F Phags-pa
UA880 - UA8DF Saurashtra
UA8E0 - UA8FF Devanagari Extended
UA900 - UA92F Kayah Li
UA930 - UA95F Rejang
UA960 - UA97F Hangul Jamo Extended-A
UA980 - UA9DF Javanese
UA9E0 - UA9FF Myanmar Extended-B
UAA00 - UAA5F Cham
UAA60 - UAA7F Myanmar Extended-A
UAA80 - UAADF Tai Viet
UAAE0 - UAAFF Meetei Mayek Extensions
UAB00 - UAB2F Ethiopic Extended-A
UAB30 - UAB6F Latin Extended-E
UAB70 - UABBF Cherokee Supplement
UABC0 - UABFF Meetei Mayek
UAC00 - UD7AF Hangul Syllables
UD7B0 - UD7FF Hangul Jamo Extended-B
UD800 - UDB7F High Surrogates
UDB80 - UDBFF High Private Use Surrogates
UDC00 - UDFFF Low Surrogates
UE000 - UF8FF Private Use Area
UF900 - UFAFF CJK Compatibility Ideographs
UFB00 - UFB4F Alphabetic Presentation Forms
UFB50 - UFDFF Arabic Presentation Forms-A
UFE00 - UFE0F Variation Selectors
UFE10 - UFE1F Vertical Forms
UFE20 - UFE2F Combining Half Marks
UFE30 - UFE4F CJK Compatibility Forms
UFE50 - UFE6F Small Form Variants
UFE70 - UFEFF Arabic Presentation Forms-B
UFF00 - UFFEF Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
UFFF0 - UFFFF Specials
U10000 - U1007F Linear B Syllabary
U10080 - U100FF Linear B Ideograms
U10100 - U1013F Aegean Numbers
U10140 - U1018F Ancient Greek Numbers
U10190 - U101CF Ancient Symbols
U101D0 - U101FF Phaistos Disc
U10280 - U1029F Lycian
U102A0 - U102DF Carian
U102E0 - U102FF Coptic Epact Numbers
U10300 - U1032F Old Italic
U10330 - U1034F Gothic
U10350 - U1037F Old Permic
U10380 - U1039F Ugaritic
U103A0 - U103DF Old Persian
U10400 - U1044F Deseret
U10450 - U1047F Shavian
U10480 - U104AF Osmanya
U104B0 - U104FF Osage
U10500 - U1052F Elbasan
U10530 - U1056F Caucasian Albanian
U10600 - U1077F Linear A
U10800 - U1083F Cypriot Syllabary
U10840 - U1085F Imperial Aramaic
U10860 - U1087F Palmyrene
U10880 - U108AF Nabataean
U108E0 - U108FF Hatran
U10900 - U1091F Phoenician
U10920 - U1093F Lydian
U10980 - U1099F Meroitic Hieroglyphs
U109A0 - U109FF Meroitic Cursive
U10A00 - U10A5F Kharoshthi
U10A60 - U10A7F Old South Arabian
U10A80 - U10A9F Old North Arabian
U10AC0 - U10AFF Manichaean
U10B00 - U10B3F Avestan
U10B40 - U10B5F Inscriptional Parthian
U10B60 - U10B7F Inscriptional Pahlavi
U10B80 - U10BAF Psalter Pahlavi
U10C00 - U10C4F Old Turkic
U10C80 - U10CFF Old Hungarian
U10D00 - U10D3F Hanifi Rohingya
U10E60 - U10E7F Rumi Numeral Symbols
U10E80 - U10EBF Yezidi
U10F00 - U10F2F Old Sogdian
U10F30 - U10F6F Sogdian
U10FB0 - U10FDF Chorasmian
U10FE0 - U10FFF Elymaic
U11000 - U1107F Brahmi
U11080 - U110CF Kaithi
U110D0 - U110FF Sora Sompeng
U11100 - U1114F Chakma
U11150 - U1117F Mahajani
U11180 - U111DF Sharada
U111E0 - U111FF Sinhala Archaic Numbers
U11200 - U1124F Khojki
U11280 - U112AF Multani
U112B0 - U112FF Khudawadi
U11300 - U1137F Grantha
U11400 - U1147F Newa
U11480 - U114DF Tirhuta
U11580 - U115FF Siddham
U11600 - U1165F Modi
U11660 - U1167F Mongolian Supplement
U11680 - U116CF Takri
U11700 - U1173F Ahom
U11800 - U1184F Dogra
U118A0 - U118FF Warang Citi
U11900 - U1195F Dives Akuru
U119A0 - U119FF Nandinagari
U11A00 - U11A4F Zanabazar Square
U11A50 - U11AAF Soyombo
U11AC0 - U11AFF Pau Cin Hau
U11C00 - U11C6F Bhaiksuki
U11C70 - U11CBF Marchen
U11D00 - U11D5F Masaram Gondi
U11D60 - U11DAF Gunjala Gondi
U11EE0 - U11EFF Makasar
U11FB0 - U11FBF Lisu Supplement
U11FC0 - U11FFF Tamil Supplement
U12000 - U123FF Cuneiform
U12400 - U1247F Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation
U12480 - U1254F Early Dynastic Cuneiform
U13000 - U1342F Egyptian Hieroglyphs
U13430 - U1343F Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls
U14400 - U1467F Anatolian Hieroglyphs
U16800 - U16A3F Bamum Supplement
U16A40 - U16A6F Mro
U16AD0 - U16AFF Bassa Vah
U16B00 - U16B8F Pahawh Hmong
U16E40 - U16E9F Medefaidrin
U16F00 - U16F9F Miao
U16FE0 - U16FFF Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation
U17000 - U187FF Tangut
U18800 - U18AFF Tangut Components
U18B00 - U18CFF Khitan Small Script
U18D00 - U18D8F Tangut Supplement
U1B000 - U1B0FF Kana Supplement
U1B100 - U1B12F Kana Extended-A
U1B130 - U1B16F Small Kana Extension
U1B170 - U1B2FF Nushu
U1BC00 - U1BC9F Duployan
U1BCA0 - U1BCAF Shorthand Format Controls
U1D000 - U1D0FF Byzantine Musical Symbols
U1D100 - U1D1FF Musical Symbols
U1D200 - U1D24F Ancient Greek Musical Notation
U1D2E0 - U1D2FF Mayan Numerals
U1D300 - U1D35F Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
U1D360 - U1D37F Counting Rod Numerals
U1D400 - U1D7FF Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
U1D800 - U1DAAF Sutton SignWriting
U1E000 - U1E02F Glagolitic Supplement
U1E100 - U1E14F Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong
U1E2C0 - U1E2FF Wancho
U1E800 - U1E8DF Mende Kikakui
U1E900 - U1E95F Adlam
U1EC70 - U1ECBF Indic Siyaq Numbers
U1ED00 - U1ED4F Ottoman Siyaq Numbers
U1EE00 - U1EEFF Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
U1F000 - U1F02F Mahjong Tiles
U1F030 - U1F09F Domino Tiles
U1F0A0 - U1F0FF Playing Cards
U1F100 - U1F1FF Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
U1F200 - U1F2FF Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
U1F300 - U1F5FF Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
U1F600 - U1F64F Emoticons
U1F650 - U1F67F Ornamental Dingbats
U1F680 - U1F6FF Transport and Map Symbols
U1F700 - U1F77F Alchemical Symbols
U1F780 - U1F7FF Geometric Shapes Extended
U1F800 - U1F8FF Supplemental Arrows-C
U1F900 - U1F9FF Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs
U1FA00 - U1FA6F Chess Symbols
U1FA70 - U1FAFF Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A
U1FB00 - U1FBFF Symbols for Legacy Computing
U20000 - U2A6DF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
U2A700 - U2B73F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
U2B740 - U2B81F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D
U2B820 - U2CEAF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
U2CEB0 - U2EBEF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F
U2F800 - U2FA1F CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
U30000 - U3134F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G
UE0000 - UE007F Tags
UE0100 - UE01EF Variation Selectors Supplement
UF0000 - UFFFFF Supplementary Private Use Area-A
U100000 - U10FFFF Supplementary Private Use Area-B

HTML Character Codes

To output special characters on an HTML web page, you can use the following values in your HTML code.


    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<p>use either &#169; or &copy;</p>

The Unicode Consortium developed the UTF-8 and UTF-16 standards, because the ISO-8859 character-sets are limited, and not compatible a multilingual environment. Therefore HTML5 specification encourages web developers to use the UTF-8 character set. The Unicode Standard covers almost all the characters, punctuations, and symbols in the world. All HTML5 and XML processors support UTF-8, UTF-16, Windows-1252, and ISO-8859.

This is a table with some popular HTML Character Codes:

Category Character Entity Name HTML CSS Unicode Description
Popular \2135 U+2135 Alef Symbol
Popular \2717 U+2717 Ballot X
Popular \2136 U+2136 Bet Symbol
Popular \2663 U+2663 Black Club Suit
Popular \2666 U+2666 Black Diamond Suit
Popular \2665 U+2665 Black Heart Suit
Popular \2660 U+2660 Black Spade Suit
Popular \2605 U+2605 Black Star
Popular \260E U+260E Black Telephone
Popular \212D U+212D Black-Letter Capital C
Popular \210C U+210C Black-Letter Capital H
Popular \2111 U+2111 Black-Letter Capital I
Popular \211C U+211C Black-Letter Capital R
Popular \2128 U+2128 Black-Letter Capital Z
Popular \2105 U+2105 Care Of
Popular \2713 U+2713 Check Mark
Popular @ @ @ \0040 U+0040 Commercial At
Popular © © © \00A9 U+00A9 Copyright Sign
Popular \2138 U+2138 Dalet Symbol
Popular \2102 U+2102 Double-Struck Capital C
Popular \210D U+210D Double-Struck Capital H
Popular \2115 U+2115 Double-Struck Capital N
Popular \2119 U+2119 Double-Struck Capital P
Popular \211A U+211A Double-Struck Capital Q
Popular \211D U+211D Double-Struck Capital R
Popular \2124 U+2124 Double-Struck Capital Z
Popular \2145 U+2145 Double-Struck Italic Capital D
Popular \2146 U+2146 Double-Struck Italic Small D
Popular \2147 U+2147 Double-Struck Italic Small E
Popular \2148 U+2148 Double-Struck Italic Small I
Popular \266A U+266A Eighth Note
Popular \2640 U+2640 Female Sign
Popular \2137 U+2137 Gimel Symbol
Popular \2127 U+2127 Inverted Ohm Sign
Popular \2772 U+2772 Light Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament
Popular \2773 U+2773 Light Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament
Popular \2758 U+2758 Light Vertical Bar
Popular \25CA U+25CA Lozenge
Popular \2642 U+2642 Male Sign
Popular \2720 U+2720 Maltese Cross
Popular \266D U+266D Music Flat Sign
Popular \266E U+266E Music Natural Sign
Popular \266F U+266F Music Sharp Sign
Popular \2116 U+2116 Numero Sign
Popular \210E U+210E Planck Constant
Popular \210F U+210F Planck Constant Over Two Pi
Popular \211E U+211E Prescription Take
Popular ® ® ® \00AE U+00AE Registered Sign
Popular \212C U+212C Script Capital B
Popular \2130 U+2130 Script Capital E
Popular \2131 U+2131 Script Capital F
Popular \210B U+210B Script Capital H
Popular \2110 U+2110 Script Capital I
Popular \2112 U+2112 Script Capital L
Popular \2133 U+2133 Script Capital M
Popular \2118 U+2118 Script Capital P
Popular \211B U+211B Script Capital R
Popular \212F U+212F Script Small E
Popular \210A U+210A Script Small G
Popular \2113 U+2113 Script Small L
Popular \2134 U+2134 Script Small O
Popular \2736 U+2736 Six Pointed Black Star
Popular \2117 U+2117 Sound Recording Copyright
Popular \2122 U+2122 Trade Mark Sign
Popular \2129 U+2129 Turned Greek Small Letter Iota
Popular \2606 U+2606 White Star
Currency ¢ ¢ ¢ \00A2 U+00A2 Cent Sign
Currency ¤ ¤ ¤ \00A4 U+00A4 Currency Sign
Currency $ $ $ \0024 U+0024 Dollar Sign
Currency \20AC U+020AC Euro Sign
Currency £ £ £ \00A3 U+00A3 Pound Sign
Currency ¥ ¥ ¥ \00A5 U+00A5 Yen Sign
Punctuation ´ ´ ´ \00B4 U+00B4 Acute Accent
Punctuation & & & \0026 U+0026 Ampersand
Punctuation * * * \002A U+002A Asterisk
Punctuation ¦ ¦ ¦ \00A6 U+00A6 Broken Bar
Punctuation \2022 U+2022 Bullet
Punctuation \2041 U+2041 Caret Insertion Point
Punctuation ¸ ¸ ¸ \00B8 U+00B8 Cedilla
Punctuation ^ ^ ^ \005E U+005E Circumflex Accent
Punctuation : : : \003A U+003A Colon
Punctuation , , , \002C U+002C Comma
Punctuation \2020 U+2020 Dagger
Punctuation ¨ ¨ ¨ \00A8 U+00A8 Diaeresis
Punctuation \2021 U+2021 Double Dagger
Punctuation \2033 U+2033 Double Prime
Punctuation \2016 U+2016 Double Vertical Line
Punctuation \2014 U+2014 Em Dash
Punctuation \2003 U+2003 Em Space
Punctuation \2013 U+2013 En Dash
Punctuation \2002 U+2002 En Space
Punctuation ! ! ! \0021 U+0021 Exclamation Mark
Punctuation ª ª ª \00AA U+00AA Feminine Ordinal Indicator
Punctuation \2044 U+2044 Fraction Slash
Punctuation . . . \002E U+002E Full Stop
Punctuation ` ` ` \0060 U+0060 Grave Accent
Punctuation \2015 U+2015 Horizontal Bar
Punctuation \2026 U+2026 Horizontal Ellipsis
Punctuation \2010 U+2010 Hyphen
Punctuation \2043 U+2043 Hyphen Bullet
Punctuation ¡ ¡ ¡ \00A1 U+00A1 Inverted Exclamation Mark
Punctuation ¿ ¿ ¿ \00BF U+00BF Inverted Question Mark
Punctuation { { { \007B U+007B Left Curly Bracket
Punctuation ( ( ( \0028 U+0028 Left Parenthesis
Punctuation [ [ [ \005B U+005B Left Square Bracket
Punctuation \200E U+200E Left-To-Right Mark
Punctuation _ _ _ \005F U+005F Low Line
Punctuation ¯ ¯ ¯ \00AF U+00AF Macron
Punctuation º º º \00BA U+00BA Masculine Ordinal Indicator
Punctuation µ µ µ \00B5 U+00B5 Micro Sign
Punctuation · · · \00B7 U+00B7 Middle Dot
Punctuation ˆ ˆ ˆ \02C6 U+02C6 Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent
Punctuation   \00A0 U+00A0 No-Break Space
Punctuation ¬ ¬ ¬ \00AC U+00AC Not Sign
Punctuation # # # \0023 U+0023 Number Sign
Punctuation \203E U+203E Overline
Punctuation &; &; \2030 U+2030 Per Mille Sign
Punctuation \2031 U+2031 Per Ten Thousand Sign
Punctuation % % % \0025 U+0025 Percent Sign
Punctuation \00B6 U+00B6 Pilcrow Sign
Punctuation \2032 U+2032 Prime
Punctuation \2057 U+2057 Quadruple Prime
Punctuation ? ? ? \003F U+003F Question Mark
Punctuation \ \ \ \005C U+005C Reverse Solidus
Punctuation \2035 U+2035 Reversed Prime
Punctuation \204F U+204F Reversed Semicolon
Punctuation } } } \007D U+007D Right Curly Bracket
Punctuation ) ) ) \0029 U+0029 Right Parenthesis
Punctuation ] ] ] \005D U+005D Right Square Bracket
Punctuation \200F U+200F Right-To-Left Mark
Punctuation § § § \00A7 U+00A7 Section Sign
Punctuation ; ; ; \003B U+003B Semicolon
Punctuation ­ ­ ­ \00AD U+00AD Soft Hyphen
Punctuation / / / \002F U+002F Solidus
Punctuation ¹ ¹ ¹ \00B9 U+00B9 Superscript One
Punctuation ³ ³ ³ \00B3 U+00B3 Superscript Three
Punctuation ² ² ² \00B2 U+00B2 Superscript Two
Punctuation \2009 U+2009 Thin Space
Punctuation ˜ ˜ ~ \007E U+007E Tilde
Punctuation \2034 U+2034 Triple Prime
Punctuation \2025 U+2025 Two Dot Leader
Punctuation | | | \007C U+007C Vertical Line
Punctuation \200D U+200D Zero Width Joiner
Punctuation \200C U+200C Zero Width Non-Joiner
Quotation ' ' ' \0027 U+0027 Apostrophe
Quotation \201E U+201E Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
Quotation \201C U+201C Left Double Quotation Mark
Quotation \2018 U+2018 Left Single Quotation Mark
Quotation « « « \00AB U+00AB Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
Quotation " " " \0022 U+0022 Quotation Mark
Quotation \201D U+201D Right Double Quotation Mark
Quotation \2019 U+2019 Right Single Quotation Mark
Quotation » » » \00BB U+00BB Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
Quotation \2039 U+2039 Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
Quotation \201A U+201A Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
Quotation \203A U+203A Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
Fractions ¼ ¼ ¼ \00BC U+00BC Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
Fractions ¾ ¾ ¾ \00BE U+00BE Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters
Fractions ½ ½ ½ \00BD U+00BD Vulgar Fraction One Half
Fractions \2153 U+2153 Vulgar Fraction One Third
Fractions \2154 U+2154 Vulgar Fraction Two Thirds
Fractions \2155 U+2155 Vulgar Fraction One Fifth
Fractions \2156 U+2156 Vulgar Fraction Two Fifths
Fractions \2157 U+2157 Vulgar Fraction Three Fifths
Fractions \2158 U+2158 Vulgar Fraction Four Fifths
Fractions \2159 U+2159 Vulgar Fraction One Sixth
Fractions \215A U+215A Vulgar Fraction Five Sixths
Fractions \215B U+215B Vulgar Fraction One Eighth
Fractions \215C U+215C Vulgar Fraction Three Eighths
Fractions \215D U+215D Vulgar Fraction Five Eighths
Fractions \215E U+215E Vulgar Fraction Seven Eighths
Arrows \21BA U+21BA Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow
Arrows \21BB U+21BB Clockwise Open Circle Arrow
Arrows \21BC U+21BC Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards
Arrows \21BD U+21BD Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards
Arrows \21BE U+21BE Upwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards
Arrows \21BF U+21BF Upwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards
Arrows \21C0 U+21C0 Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards
Arrows \21C1 U+21C1 Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards
Arrows \21C2 U+21C2 Downwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards
Arrows \21C3 U+21C3 Downwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards
Arrows \21C4 U+21C4 Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow
Arrows \21C5 U+21C5 Upwards Arrow Leftwards of Downwards Arrow
Arrows \21C6 U+21C6 Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow
Arrows \21C7 U+21C7 Leftwards Paired Arrows
Arrows \21C8 U+21C8 Upwards Paired Arrows
Arrows \21C9 U+21C9 Rightwards Paired Arrows
Arrows \21CA U+21CA Downwards Paired Arrows
Arrows \21CB U+21CB Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon
Arrows \21CC U+21CC Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon
Arrows \21CD U+21CD Leftwards Double Arrow with Stroke
Arrows \21CE U+21CE Left Right Double Arrow with Stroke
Arrows \21CF U+21CF Rightwards Double Arrow with Stroke
Arrows \21D0 U+21D0 Leftwards Double Arrow
Arrows \21D1 U+21D1 Upwards Double Arrow
Arrows \21D2 U+21D2 Rightwards Double Arrow
Arrows \21D3 U+21D3 Downwards Double Arrow
Arrows \21D4 U+21D4 Left Right Double Arrow
Arrows \21D5 U+21D5 Up Down Double Arrow
Arrows \21D6 U+21D6 North West Double Arrow
Arrows \21D7 U+21D7 North East Double Arrow
Arrows \21D8 U+21D8 South East Double Arrow
Arrows \21D9 U+21D9 South West Double Arrow
Arrows \21DA U+21DA Leftwards Triple Arrow
Arrows \21DB U+21DB Rightwards Triple Arrow
Arrows &ziglarr; &ziglarr; \21DC U+21DC Leftwards Squiggle Arrow
Arrows \21DD U+21DD Rightwards Squiggle Arrow
Arrows \21E4 U+21E4 Leftwards Arrow To Bar
Arrows \21E5 U+21E5 Rightwards Arrow To Bar
Arrows \21F5 U+21F5 Downwards Arrow Leftwards of Upwards Arrow
Arrows \21FF U+21FF Left Right Open-Headed Arrow
Arrows \21FD U+21FD Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow
Arrows \21FE U+21FE Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow
Arrows \27F5 U+27F5 Long Leftwards Arrow
Arrows \27F6 U+27F6 Long Rightwards Arrow
Arrows \27F7 U+27F7 Long Left Right Arrow
Arrows \27F8 U+27F8 Long Leftwards Double Arrow
Arrows \27F9 U+27F9 Long Rightwards Double Arrow
Arrows \27FA U+27FA Long Left Right Double Arrow
Arrows \27FF U+27FF Long Rightwards Squiggle Arrow
Arrows \27FC U+27FC Long Rightwards Arrow from Bar
Arrows \2902 U+2902 Leftwards Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke
Arrows \2903 U+2903 Rightwards Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke
Arrows \2904 U+2904 Left Right Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke
Arrows \2905 U+2905 Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow from Bar
Arrows \290C U+290C Leftwards Double Dash Arrow
Arrows \290D U+290D Rightwards Double Dash Arrow
Arrows \290E U+290E Leftwards Triple Dash Arrow
Arrows \290F U+290F Rightwards Triple Dash Arrow
Arrows \2910 U+2910 Rightwards Two-Headed Triple Dash Arrow
Arrows \2911 U+2911 Rightwards Arrow with Dotted Stem
Arrows \2912 U+2912 Upwards Arrow To Bar
Arrows \2913 U+2913 Downwards Arrow To Bar
Arrows \2916 U+2916 Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow with Tail
Arrows \2919 U+2919 Leftwards Arrow-Tail
Arrows \291A U+291A Rightwards Arrow-Tail
Arrows \291B U+291B Leftwards Double Arrow-Tail
Arrows \291C U+291C Rightwards Double Arrow-Tail
Arrows \291D U+291D Leftwards Arrow To Black Diamond
Arrows \291E U+291E Rightwards Arrow To Black Diamond
Arrows \291F U+291F Leftwards Arrow from Bar To Black Diamond
Arrows \2920 U+2920 Rightwards Arrow from Bar To Black Diamond
Arrows \2923 U+2923 North West Arrow with Hook
Arrows \2924 U+2924 North East Arrow with Hook
Arrows \2925 U+2925 South East Arrow with Hook
Arrows \2926 U+2926 South West Arrow with Hook
Arrows \2927 U+2927 North West Arrow and North East Arrow
Arrows \2928 U+2928 North East Arrow and South East Arrow
Arrows \2929 U+2929 South East Arrow and South West Arrow
Arrows \292A U+292A South West Arrow and North West Arrow
Arrows \2935 U+2935 Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards
Arrows \2936 U+2936 Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Leftwards
Arrows \2937 U+2937 Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Rightwards
Arrows \2938 U+2938 Right-Side Arc Clockwise Arrow
Arrows \2939 U+2939 Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow
Arrows \293C U+293C Top Arc Clockwise Arrow with Minus
Arrows \293D U+293D Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow with Plus
Arrows \2945 U+2945 Rightwards Arrow with Plus Below
Arrows \2948 U+2948 Left Right Arrow Through Small Circle
Arrows \2949 U+2949 Upwards Two-Headed Arrow from Small Circle
Arrows \294A U+294A Left Barb Up Right Barb Down Harpoon
Arrows \294B U+294B Left Barb Down Right Barb Up Harpoon
Arrows \294F U+294F Up Barb Right Down Barb Right Harpoon
Arrows \2950 U+2950 Left Barb Down Right Barb Down Harpoon
Arrows \2951 U+2951 Up Barb Left Down Barb Left Harpoon
Arrows \2952 U+2952 Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up To Bar
Arrows \2953 U+2953 Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up To Bar
Arrows \2954 U+2954 Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right To Bar
Arrows \2955 U+2955 Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right To Bar
Arrows \2956 U+2956 Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down To Bar
Arrows \2957 U+2957 Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down To Bar
Arrows \2958 U+2958 Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left To Bar
Arrows \2959 U+2959 Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left To Bar
Arrows \295A U+295A Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up from Bar
Arrows \295B U+295B Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up from Bar
Arrows \295C U+295C Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right from Bar
Arrows \295D U+295D Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right from Bar
Arrows \295E U+295E Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down from Bar
Arrows \295F U+295F Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down from Bar
Arrows \2960 U+2960 Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left from Bar
Arrows \2961 U+2961 Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left from Bar
Arrows \2962 U+2962 Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down
Arrows \2963 U+2963 Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right
Arrows \2964 U+2964 Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down
Arrows \2965 U+2965 Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right
Arrows \2966 U+2966 Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up
Arrows \2967 U+2967 Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down
Arrows \2968 U+2968 Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up
Arrows \2969 U+2969 Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down
Arrows \296A U+296A Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Long Dash
Arrows \296B U+296B Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down Below Long Dash
Arrows \296C U+296C Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Long Dash
Arrows \296D U+296D Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down Below Long Dash
Arrows \296E U+296E Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right
Arrows \296F U+296F Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right
Arrows \2970 U+2970 Right Double Arrow with Rounded Head
Arrows \2971 U+2971 Equals Sign Above Rightwards Arrow
Arrows \2972 U+2972 Tilde Operator Above Rightwards Arrow
Arrows \2973 U+2973 Leftwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator
Arrows \2974 U+2974 Rightwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator
Arrows \2975 U+2975 Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To
Arrows \2976 U+2976 Less-Than Above Leftwards Arrow
Arrows \2978 U+2978 Greater-Than Above Rightwards Arrow
Arrows \2979 U+2979 Subset Above Rightwards Arrow
Arrows \297B U+297B Superset Above Leftwards Arrow
Arrows \297C U+297C Left Fish Tail
Arrows \297D U+297D Right Fish Tail
Arrows \297E U+297E Up Fish Tail
Arrows ⥿ ⥿ ⥿ \297F U+297F Down Fish Tail
Mathematical + + + \002B U+002B Plus Sign
Mathematical \2212 U+2212 Minus Sign
Mathematical × × × \00D7 U+00D7 Multiplication Sign
Mathematical ÷ ÷ ÷ \00F7 U+00F7 Division Sign
Mathematical = = = \003D U+003D Equals Sign
Mathematical \2260 U+2260 Not Equal To
Mathematical ± ± ± \00B1 U+00B1 Plus minus symbol
Mathematical ¬ ¬ ¬ \00AC U+00AC Not Sign
Mathematical < < < \003C U+003C Less-Than Sign
Mathematical > > > \003E U+003E Greater-Than Sign
Mathematical ° ° ° \00B0 U+00B0 Degree Sign
Mathematical ¹ ¹ ¹ \00B9 U+00B9 Superscript One
Mathematical ² ² ² \00B2 U+00B2 Superscript Two
Mathematical ³ ³ ³ \00B3 U+00B3 Superscript Three
Mathematical ƒ ƒ ƒ \0192 U+0192 Latin Small Letter F with Hook
Mathematical % % % \0025 U+0025 Percent Sign
Mathematical \0089 U+0089 Character Tabulation with Justification
Mathematical \2031 U+2031 Per Ten Thousand Sign
Mathematical \2200 U+2200 For All
Mathematical \2201 U+2201 Complement
Mathematical \2202 U+2202 Partial Differential
Mathematical \2203 U+2203 There Exists
Mathematical \2204 U+2204 There Does Not Exist
Mathematical \2205 U+2205 Empty Set
Mathematical \2207 U+2207 Nabla
Mathematical \2208 U+2208 Element Of
Mathematical \2209 U+2209 Not an Element Of
Mathematical \220B U+220B Contains As Member
Mathematical \220C U+220C Does Not Contain As Member
Mathematical \220F U+220F N-Ary Product
Mathematical \2210 U+2210 N-Ary Coproduct
Mathematical \2211 U+2211 N-Ary Summation
Mathematical \2213 U+2213 Minus-or-Plus Sign
Mathematical \2214 U+2214 Dot Plus
Mathematical \2216 U+2216 Set Minus
Mathematical \2217 U+2217 Asterisk Operator
Mathematical \2218 U+2218 Ring Operator
Mathematical \221A U+221A Square Root
Mathematical \221D U+221D Proportional To
Mathematical \221E U+221E Infinity
Mathematical \221F U+221F Right Angle
Mathematical \2220 U+2220 Angle
Mathematical \2221 U+2221 Measured Angle
Mathematical \2222 U+2222 Spherical Angle
Mathematical \2223 U+2223 Divides
Mathematical \2224 U+2224 Does Not Divide
Mathematical \2225 U+2225 Parallel To
Mathematical \2226 U+2226 Not Parallel To
Mathematical \2227 U+2227 Logical And
Mathematical \2228 U+2228 Logical Or
Mathematical \2229 U+2229 Intersection
Mathematical \222A U+222A Union
Mathematical \222B U+222B Integral
Mathematical \222C U+222C Double Integral
Mathematical \222D U+222D Triple Integral
Mathematical \222E U+222E Contour Integral
Mathematical \222F U+222F Surface Integral
Mathematical \2230 U+2230 Volume Integral
Mathematical \2231 U+2231 Clockwise Integral
Mathematical \2232 U+2232 Clockwise Contour Integral
Mathematical \2233 U+2233 Anticlockwise Contour Integral
Mathematical \2234 U+2234 Therefore
Mathematical \2235 U+2235 Because
Mathematical \2236 U+2236 Ratio
Mathematical \2237 U+2237 Proportion
Mathematical \2238 U+2238 Dot Minus
Mathematical \223A U+223A Geometric Proportion
Mathematical \223B U+223B Homothetic
Mathematical \223C U+223C Tilde Operator
Mathematical \223D U+223D Reversed Tilde
Mathematical \223E U+223E Inverted Lazy S
Mathematical \223F U+223F Sine Wave
Mathematical \2240 U+2240 Wreath Product
Mathematical \2241 U+2241 Not Tilde
Mathematical \2242 U+2242 Minus Tilde
Mathematical \2243 U+2243 Asymptotically Equal To
Mathematical \2244 U+2244 Not Asymptotically Equal To
Mathematical \2245 U+2245 Approximately Equal To
Mathematical \2246 U+2246 Approximately But Not Actually Equal To
Mathematical \2247 U+2247 Neither Approximately nor Actually Equal To
Mathematical \2248 U+2248 Almost Equal To
Mathematical \2249 U+2249 Not Almost Equal To
Mathematical \224A U+224A Almost Equal or Equal To
Mathematical \224B U+224B Triple Tilde
Mathematical \224C U+224C All Equal To
Mathematical \224D U+224D Equivalent To
Mathematical \224E U+224E Geometrically Equivalent To
Mathematical \224F U+224F Difference Between
Mathematical \2250 U+2250 Approaches the Limit
Mathematical \2251 U+2251 Geometrically Equal To
Mathematical \2252 U+2252 Approximately Equal To or the Image Of
Mathematical \2253 U+2253 Image of or Approximately Equal To
Mathematical \2254 U+2254 Colon Equals
Mathematical \2255 U+2255 Equals Colon
Mathematical \2256 U+2256 Ring In Equal To
Mathematical \2257 U+2257 Ring Equal To
Mathematical \2259 U+2259 Estimates
Mathematical \225A U+225A Equiangular To
Mathematical \225C U+225C Delta Equal To
Mathematical \225F U+225F Questioned Equal To
Mathematical \2261 U+2261 Identical To
Mathematical \2262 U+2262 Not Identical To
Mathematical \2264 U+2264 Less-Than or Equal To
Mathematical \2265 U+2265 Greater-Than or Equal To
Mathematical \2266 U+2266 Less-Than Over Equal To
Mathematical \2267 U+2267 Greater-Than Over Equal To
Mathematical \2268 U+2268 Less-Than But Not Equal To
Mathematical \2269 U+2269 Greater-Than But Not Equal To
Mathematical \226A U+226A Much Less-Than
Mathematical \226B U+226B Much Greater-Than
Mathematical \226C U+226C Between
Mathematical \226D U+226D Not Equivalent To
Mathematical \226E U+226E Not Less-Than
Mathematical \226F U+226F Not Greater-Than
Mathematical \2270 U+2270 Neither Less-Than nor Equal To
Mathematical \2271 U+2271 Neither Greater-Than nor Equal To
Mathematical \2272 U+2272 Less-Than or Equivalent To
Mathematical \2273 U+2273 Greater-Than or Equivalent To
Mathematical \2274 U+2274 Neither Less-Than nor Equivalent To
Mathematical \2275 U+2275 Neither Greater-Than nor Equivalent To
Mathematical \2276 U+2276 Less-Than or Greater-Than
Mathematical \2277 U+2277 Greater-Than or Less-Than
Mathematical \2278 U+2278 Neither Less-Than nor Greater-Than
Mathematical \2279 U+2279 Neither Greater-Than nor Less-Than
Mathematical \227A U+227A Precedes
Mathematical \227B U+227B Succeeds
Mathematical \227C U+227C Precedes or Equal To
Mathematical \227D U+227D Succeeds or Equal To
Mathematical \227E U+227E Precedes or Equivalent To
Mathematical \227F U+227F Succeeds or Equivalent To
Mathematical \2280 U+2280 Does Not Precede
Mathematical \2281 U+2281 Does Not Succeed
Mathematical \2282 U+2282 Subset Of
Mathematical \2283 U+2283 Superset Of
Mathematical \2284 U+2284 Not a Subset Of
Mathematical \2285 U+2285 Not a Superset Of
Mathematical \2286 U+2286 Subset of or Equal To
Mathematical \2287 U+2287 Superset of or Equal To
Mathematical \2288 U+2288 Neither a Subset of nor Equal To
Mathematical \2289 U+2289 Neither a Superset of nor Equal To
Mathematical \228A U+228A Subset of with Not Equal To
Mathematical \228B U+228B Superset of with Not Equal To
Mathematical \228D U+228D Multiset Multiplication
Mathematical \228E U+228E Multiset Union
Mathematical \228F U+228F Square Image Of
Mathematical \2290 U+2290 Square Original Of
Mathematical \2291 U+2291 Square Image of or Equal To
Mathematical \2292 U+2292 Square Original of or Equal To
Mathematical \2293 U+2293 Square Cap
Mathematical \2294 U+2294 Square Cup
Mathematical \2295 U+2295 Circled Plus
Mathematical \2296 U+2296 Circled Minus
Mathematical \2297 U+2297 Circled Times
Mathematical \2298 U+2298 Circled Division Slash
Mathematical \2299 U+2299 Circled Dot Operator
Mathematical \229A U+229A Circled Ring Operator
Mathematical \229B U+229B Circled Asterisk Operator
Mathematical \229D U+229D Circled Dash
Mathematical \229E U+229E Squared Plus
Mathematical \229F U+229F Squared Minus
Mathematical \22A0 U+22A0 Squared Times
Mathematical \22A1 U+22A1 Squared Dot Operator
Mathematical \22A2 U+22A2 Right Tack
Mathematical \22A3 U+22A3 Left Tack
Mathematical \22A4 U+22A4 Down Tack
Mathematical \22A5 U+22A5 Up Tack
Mathematical \22A7 U+22A7 Models
Mathematical \22A8 U+22A8 TRUE
Mathematical \22A9 U+22A9 Forces
Mathematical \22AA U+22AA Triple Vertical Bar Right Turnstile
Mathematical \22AB U+22AB Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile
Mathematical \22AC U+22AC Does Not Prove
Mathematical \22AD U+22AD Not True
Mathematical \22AE U+22AE Does Not Force
Mathematical \22AF U+22AF Negated Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile
Mathematical \22B0 U+22B0 Precedes Under Relation
Mathematical \22B2 U+22B2 Normal Subgroup Of
Mathematical \22B3 U+22B3 Contains As Normal Subgroup
Mathematical \22B4 U+22B4 Normal Subgroup of or Equal To
Mathematical \22B5 U+22B5 Contains As Normal Subgroup or Equal To
Mathematical \22B6 U+22B6 Original Of
Mathematical \22B7 U+22B7 Image Of
Mathematical \22B8 U+22B8 Multimap
Mathematical \22B9 U+22B9 Hermitian Conjugate Matrix
Mathematical \22BA U+22BA Intercalate
Mathematical \22BB U+22BB Xor
Mathematical \22BD U+22BD Nor
Mathematical \22BE U+22BE Right Angle with Arc
Mathematical \22BF U+22BF Right Triangle
Mathematical \22C0 U+22C0 N-Ary Logical And
Mathematical \22C1 U+22C1 N-Ary Logical Or
Mathematical \22C2 U+22C2 N-Ary Intersection
Mathematical \22C3 U+22C3 N-Ary Union
Mathematical \22C4 U+22C4 Diamond Operator
Mathematical \22C5 U+22C5 Dot Operator
Mathematical \22C6 U+22C6 Star Operator
Mathematical \22C7 U+22C7 Division Times
Mathematical \22C8 U+22C8 Bowtie
Mathematical \22C9 U+22C9 Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product
Mathematical \22CA U+22CA Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product
Mathematical \22CB U+22CB Left Semidirect Product
Mathematical \22CC U+22CC Right Semidirect Product
Mathematical \22CD U+22CD Reversed Tilde Equals
Mathematical \22CE U+22CE Curly Logical Or
Mathematical \22CF U+22CF Curly Logical And
Mathematical \22D0 U+22D0 Double Subset
Mathematical \22D1 U+22D1 Double Superset
Mathematical \22D2 U+22D2 Double Intersection
Mathematical \22D3 U+22D3 Double Union
Mathematical \22D4 U+22D4 Pitchfork
Mathematical \22D5 U+22D5 Equal and Parallel To
Mathematical \22D6 U+22D6 Less-Than with Dot
Mathematical \22D7 U+22D7 Greater-Than with Dot
Mathematical \22D8 U+22D8 Very Much Less-Than
Mathematical \22D9 U+22D9 Very Much Greater-Than
Mathematical \22DA U+22DA Less-Than Equal To or Greater-Than
Mathematical \22DB U+22DB Greater-Than Equal To or Less-Than
Mathematical \22DE U+22DE Equal To or Precedes
Mathematical \22DF U+22DF Equal To or Succeeds
Mathematical \22E0 U+22E0 Does Not Precede or Equal
Mathematical \22E1 U+22E1 Does Not Succeed or Equal
Mathematical \22E2 U+22E2 Not Square Image of or Equal To
Mathematical \22E3 U+22E3 Not Square Original of or Equal To
Mathematical \22E6 U+22E6 Less-Than But Not Equivalent To
Mathematical \22E7 U+22E7 Greater-Than But Not Equivalent To
Mathematical \22E8 U+22E8 Precedes But Not Equivalent To
Mathematical \22E9 U+22E9 Succeeds But Not Equivalent To
Mathematical \22EA U+22EA Not Normal Subgroup Of
Mathematical \22EB U+22EB Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup
Mathematical \22EC U+22EC Not Normal Subgroup of or Equal To
Mathematical \22ED U+22ED Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup or Equal
Mathematical \22EE U+22EE Vertical Ellipsis
Mathematical \22EF U+22EF Midline Horizontal Ellipsis
Mathematical \22F0 U+22F0 Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis
Mathematical \22F1 U+22F1 Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis
Mathematical \22F2 U+22F2 Element of with Long Horizontal Stroke
Mathematical \22F3 U+22F3 Element of with Vertical Bar At End of Horizontal Stroke
Mathematical \22F4 U+22F4 Small Element of with Vertical Bar At End of Horizontal Stroke
Mathematical \22F5 U+22F5 Element of with Dot Above
Mathematical \22F6 U+22F6 Element of with Overbar
Mathematical \22F7 U+22F7 Small Element of with Overbar
Mathematical \22F9 U+22F9 Element of with Two Horizontal Strokes
Mathematical \22FA U+22FA Contains with Long Horizontal Stroke
Mathematical \22FB U+22FB Contains with Vertical Bar At End of Horizontal Stroke
Mathematical \22FC U+22FC Small Contains with Vertical Bar At End of Horizontal Stroke
Mathematical \22FD U+22FD Contains with Overbar
Mathematical \22FE U+22FE Small Contains with Overbar
Mathematical \2308 U+2308 Left Ceiling
Mathematical \2309 U+2309 Right Ceiling
Mathematical \230A U+230A Left Floor
Mathematical \230B U+230B Right Floor
Mathematical \2329 U+2329 Left-Pointing Angle Bracket
Mathematical \232A U+232A Right-Pointing Angle Bracket
Greek ϖ ϖ ϖ \03D6 U+03D6 Greek Pi Symbol
Greek Α Α Α \0391 U+0391 Greek Capital Letter Alpha
Greek Β Β Β \0392 U+0392 Greek Capital Letter Beta
Greek Γ Γ Γ \0393 U+0393 Greek Capital Letter Gamma
Greek Δ Δ Δ \0394 U+0394 Greek Capital Letter Delta
Greek Ε Ε Ε \0395 U+0395 Greek Capital Letter Epsilon
Greek Ζ Ζ Ζ \0396 U+0396 Greek Capital Letter Zeta
Greek Η Η Η \0397 U+0397 Greek Capital Letter Eta
Greek Θ Θ Θ \0398 U+0398 Greek Capital Letter Theta
Greek Ι Ι Ι \0399 U+0399 Greek Capital Letter Iota
Greek Κ Κ Κ \039A U+039A Greek Capital Letter Kappa
Greek Λ Λ Λ \039B U+039B Greek Capital Letter Lamda
Greek Μ Μ Μ \039C U+039C Greek Capital Letter Mu
Greek Ν Ν Ν \039D U+039D Greek Capital Letter Nu
Greek Ξ Ξ Ξ \039E U+039E Greek Capital Letter Xi
Greek Ο Ο Ο \039F U+039F Greek Capital Letter Omicron
Greek Π Π Π \03A0 U+03A0 Greek Capital Letter Pi
Greek Ρ Ρ Ρ \03A1 U+03A1 Greek Capital Letter Rho
Greek Σ Σ Σ \03A3 U+03A3 Greek Capital Letter Sigma
Greek Τ Τ Τ \03A4 U+03A4 Greek Capital Letter Tau
Greek Υ Υ Υ \03A5 U+03A5 Greek Capital Letter Upsilon
Greek Φ Φ Φ \03A6 U+03A6 Greek Capital Letter Phi
Greek Χ Χ Χ \03A7 U+03A7 Greek Capital Letter Chi
Greek Ψ Ψ Ψ \03A8 U+03A8 Greek Capital Letter Psi
Greek Ω Ω Ω \03A9 U+03A9 Greek Capital Letter Omega
Greek α α α \03B1 U+03B1 Greek Small Letter Alpha
Greek β β β \03B2 U+03B2 Greek Small Letter Beta
Greek γ γ γ \03B3 U+03B3 Greek Small Letter Gamma
Greek δ δ δ \03B4 U+03B4 Greek Small Letter Delta
Greek ε ε ε \03B5 U+03B5 Greek Small Letter Epsilon
Greek ζ ζ ζ \03B6 U+03B6 Greek Small Letter Zeta
Greek η η η \03B7 U+03B7 Greek Small Letter Eta
Greek θ θ θ \03B8 U+03B8 Greek Small Letter Theta
Greek ι ι ι \03B9 U+03B9 Greek Small Letter Iota
Greek κ κ κ \03BA U+03BA Greek Small Letter Kappa
Greek λ λ λ \03BB U+03BB Greek Small Letter Lamda
Greek μ μ μ \03BC U+03BC Greek Small Letter Mu
Greek ν ν ν \03BD U+03BD Greek Small Letter Nu
Greek ξ ξ ξ \03BE U+03BE Greek Small Letter Xi
Greek ο ο ο \03BF U+03BF Greek Small Letter Omicron
Greek π π π \03C0 U+03C0 Greek Small Letter Pi
Greek ρ ρ ρ \03C1 U+03C1 Greek Small Letter Rho
Greek ς ς ς \03C2 U+03C2 Greek Small Letter Final Sigma
Greek σ σ σ \03C3 U+03C3 Greek Small Letter Sigma
Greek τ τ τ \03C4 U+03C4 Greek Small Letter Tau
Greek υ υ υ \03C5 U+03C5 Greek Small Letter Upsilon
Greek φ φ φ \03C6 U+03C6 Greek Small Letter Phi
Greek χ χ χ \03C7 U+03C7 Greek Small Letter Chi
Greek ψ ψ ψ \03C8 U+03C8 Greek Small Letter Psi
Greek ω ω ω \03C9 U+03C9 Greek Small Letter Omega
Greek ϑ ϑ ϑ \03D1 U+03D1 Greek Theta Symbol
Greek ϒ ϒ ϒ \03D2 U+03D2 Greek Upsilon with Hook Symbol
Latin À À À \00C0 U+00C0 Latin Capital Letter a with Grave
Latin Á Á Á \00C1 U+00C1 Latin Capital Letter a with Acute
Latin    \00C2 U+00C2 Latin Capital Letter a with Circumflex
Latin à à à \00C3 U+00C3 Latin Capital Letter a with Tilde
Latin Ä Ä Ä \00C4 U+00C4 Latin Capital Letter a with Diaeresis
Latin Å Å Å \00C5 U+00C5 Latin Capital Letter a with Ring Above
Latin Æ Æ Æ \00C6 U+00C6 Latin Capital Letter Ae
Latin Ç Ç Ç \00C7 U+00C7 Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla
Latin È È È \00C8 U+00C8 Latin Capital Letter E with Grave
Latin É É É \00C9 U+00C9 Latin Capital Letter E with Acute
Latin Ê Ê Ê \00CA U+00CA Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex
Latin Ë Ë Ë \00CB U+00CB Latin Capital Letter E with Diaeresis
Latin Ì &Lgrave; Ì \00CC U+00CC Latin Capital Letter I with Grave
Latin Ĺ Ĺ Ĺ \0139 U+0139 Latin Capital Letter L with Acute
Latin Î &Lcirc; Î \00CE U+00CE Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex
Latin Ï &Luml; Ï \00CF U+00CF Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis
Latin Ð Ð Ð \00D0 U+00D0 Latin Capital Letter Eth
Latin Ñ Ñ Ñ \00D1 U+00D1 Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde
Latin Ò Ò Ò \00D2 U+00D2 Latin Capital Letter O with Grave
Latin Ó Ó Ó \00D3 U+00D3 Latin Capital Letter O with Acute
Latin Ô Ô Ô \00D4 U+00D4 Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex
Latin Õ Õ Õ \00D5 U+00D5 Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde
Latin Ö Ö Ö \00D6 U+00D6 Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis
Latin Ø Ø Ø \00D8 U+00D8 Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke
Latin Ù Ù Ù \00D9 U+00D9 Latin Capital Letter U with Grave
Latin Ú Ú Ú \00DA U+00DA Latin Capital Letter U with Acute
Latin Û Û Û \00DB U+00DB Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex
Latin Ü Ü Ü \00DC U+00DC Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis
Latin Ý Ý Ý \00DD U+00DD Latin Capital Letter Y with Acute
Latin Þ Þ Þ \00DE U+00DE Latin Capital Letter Thorn
Latin ß ß ß \00DF U+00DF Latin Small Letter Sharp S
Latin à à à \00E0 U+00E0 Latin Small Letter a with Grave
Latin á á á \00E1 U+00E1 Latin Small Letter a with Acute
Latin â â â \00E2 U+00E2 Latin Small Letter a with Circumflex
Latin ã ã ã \00E3 U+00E3 Latin Small Letter a with Tilde
Latin ä ä ä \00E4 U+00E4 Latin Small Letter a with Diaeresis
Latin å å å \00E5 U+00E5 Latin Small Letter a with Ring Above
Latin æ æ æ \00E6 U+00E6 Latin Small Letter Ae
Latin ç ç ç \00E7 U+00E7 Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla
Latin è è è \00E8 U+00E8 Latin Small Letter E with Grave
Latin é é é \00E9 U+00E9 Latin Small Letter E with Acute
Latin ê ê ê \00EA U+00EA Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex
Latin ë ë ë \00EB U+00EB Latin Small Letter E with Diaeresis
Latin ì ì ì \00EC U+00EC Latin Small Letter I with Grave
Latin í í í \00ED U+00ED Latin Small Letter I with Acute
Latin î î î \00EE U+00EE Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex
Latin ï ï ï \00EF U+00EF Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis
Latin ð ð ð \00F0 U+00F0 Latin Small Letter Eth
Latin ñ ñ ñ \00F1 U+00F1 Latin Small Letter N with Tilde
Latin ò ò ò \00F2 U+00F2 Latin Small Letter O with Grave
Latin ó ó ó \00F3 U+00F3 Latin Small Letter O with Acute
Latin ô ô ô \00F4 U+00F4 Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex
Latin õ õ õ \00F5 U+00F5 Latin Small Letter O with Tilde
Latin ö ö ö \00F6 U+00F6 Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis
Latin ø ø ø \00F8 U+00F8 Latin Small Letter O with Stroke
Latin ù ù ù \00F9 U+00F9 Latin Small Letter U with Grave
Latin ú ú ú \00FA U+00FA Latin Small Letter U with Acute
Latin û û û \00FB U+00FB Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex
Latin ü ü ü \00FC U+00FC U with two Dots
Latin ý ý ý \00FD U+00FD Latin Small Letter Y with Acute
Latin þ þ þ \00FE U+00FE Latin Small Letter Thorn
Latin ÿ ÿ ÿ \00FF U+00FF Latin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis
Latin Ā Ā Ā \0100 U+0100 Latin Capital Letter a with Macron
Latin ā ā ā \0101 U+0101 Latin Small Letter a with Macron
Latin Ă Ă Ă \0102 U+0102 Latin Capital Letter a with Breve
Latin ă ă ă \0103 U+0103 Latin Small Letter a with Breve
Latin Ą Ą Ą \0104 U+0104 Latin Capital Letter a with Ogonek
Latin ą ą ą \0105 U+0105 Latin Small Letter a with Ogonek
Latin Ć Ć Ć \0106 U+0106 Latin Capital Letter C with Acute
Latin ć ć ć \0107 U+0107 Latin Small Letter C with Acute
Latin Ĉ Ĉ Ĉ \0108 U+0108 Latin Capital Letter C with Circumflex
Latin ĉ ĉ ĉ \0109 U+0109 Latin Small Letter C with Circumflex
Latin Ċ Ċ Ċ \010A U+010A Latin Capital Letter C with Dot Above
Latin ċ ċ ċ \010B U+010B Latin Small Letter C with Dot Above
Latin Č Č Č \010C U+010C Latin Capital Letter C with Caron
Latin č č č \010D U+010D Latin Small Letter C with Caron
Latin Ď Ď Ď \010E U+010E Latin Capital Letter D with Caron
Latin ď ď ď \010F U+010F Latin Small Letter D with Caron
Latin Đ Đ Đ \0110 U+0110 Latin Capital Letter D with Stroke
Latin đ đ đ \0111 U+0111 Latin Small Letter D with Stroke
Latin Ē Ē Ē \0112 U+0112 Latin Capital Letter E with Macron
Latin ē ē ē \0113 U+0113 Latin Small Letter E with Macron
Latin Ė Ė Ė \0116 U+0116 Latin Capital Letter E with Dot Above
Latin ė ė ė \0117 U+0117 Latin Small Letter E with Dot Above
Latin Ę Ę Ę \0118 U+0118 Latin Capital Letter E with Ogonek
Latin ę ę ę \0119 U+0119 Latin Small Letter E with Ogonek
Latin Ě Ě Ě \011A U+011A Latin Capital Letter E with Caron
Latin ě ě ě \011B U+011B Latin Small Letter E with Caron
Latin Ĝ Ĝ Ĝ \011C U+011C Latin Capital Letter G with Circumflex
Latin ĝ ĝ ĝ \011D U+011D Latin Small Letter G with Circumflex
Latin Ğ Ğ Ğ \011E U+011E Latin Capital Letter G with Breve
Latin ğ ğ ğ \011F U+011F Latin Small Letter G with Breve
Latin Ġ Ġ Ġ \0120 U+0120 Latin Capital Letter G with Dot Above
Latin ġ ġ ġ \0121 U+0121 Latin Small Letter G with Dot Above
Latin Ģ Ģ Ģ \0122 U+0122 Latin Capital Letter G with Cedilla
Latin Ĥ Ĥ Ĥ \0124 U+0124 Latin Capital Letter H with Circumflex
Latin ĥ ĥ ĥ \0125 U+0125 Latin Small Letter H with Circumflex
Latin Ħ Ħ Ħ \0126 U+0126 Latin Capital Letter H with Stroke
Latin ħ ħ ħ \0127 U+0127 Latin Small Letter H with Stroke
Latin Ĩ Ĩ Ĩ \0128 U+0128 Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde
Latin ĩ ĩ ĩ \0129 U+0129 Latin Small Letter I with Tilde
Latin Ī Ī Ī \012A U+012A Latin Capital Letter I with Macron
Latin ī ī ī \012B U+012B Latin Small Letter I with Macron
Latin Į Į Į \012E U+012E Latin Capital Letter I with Ogonek
Latin į į į \012F U+012F Latin Small Letter I with Ogonek
Latin İ İ İ \0130 U+0130 Latin Capital Letter I with Dot Above
Latin ı ı ı \0131 U+0131 Latin Small Letter Dotless I
Latin IJ IJ IJ \0132 U+0132 Latin Capital Ligature Ij
Latin ij ij ij \0133 U+0133 Latin Small Ligature Ij
Latin Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ \0134 U+0134 Latin Capital Letter J with Circumflex
Latin ĵ ĵ ĵ \0135 U+0135 Latin Small Letter J with Circumflex
Latin Ķ Ķ Ķ \0136 U+0136 Latin Capital Letter K with Cedilla
Latin ķ ķ ķ \0137 U+0137 Latin Small Letter K with Cedilla
Latin ĸ ĸ ĸ \0138 U+0138 Latin Small Letter Kra
Latin ĺ ĺ ĺ \013A U+013A Latin Small Letter L with Acute
Latin Ļ Ļ Ļ \013B U+013B Latin Capital Letter L with Cedilla
Latin ļ ļ ļ \013C U+013C Latin Small Letter L with Cedilla
Latin Ľ Ľ Ľ \013D U+013D Latin Capital Letter L with Caron
Latin ľ ľ ľ \013E U+013E Latin Small Letter L with Caron
Latin Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ \013F U+013F Latin Capital Letter L with Middle Dot
Latin ŀ ŀ ŀ \0140 U+0140 Latin Small Letter L with Middle Dot
Latin Ł Ł Ł \0141 U+0141 Latin Capital Letter L with Stroke
Latin ł ł ł \0142 U+0142 Latin Small Letter L with Stroke
Latin Ń Ń Ń \0143 U+0143 Latin Capital Letter N with Acute
Latin ń ń ń \0144 U+0144 Latin Small Letter N with Acute
Latin Ņ Ņ Ņ \0145 U+0145 Latin Capital Letter N with Cedilla
Latin ņ ņ ņ \0146 U+0146 Latin Small Letter N with Cedilla
Latin Ň Ň Ň \0147 U+0147 Latin Capital Letter N with Caron
Latin ň ň ň \0148 U+0148 Latin Small Letter N with Caron
Latin ʼn ʼn ʼn \0149 U+0149 Latin Small Letter N Preceded By Apostrophe
Latin Ŋ Ŋ Ŋ \014A U+014A Latin Capital Letter Eng
Latin ŋ ŋ ŋ \014B U+014B Latin Small Letter Eng
Latin Ō Ō Ō \014C U+014C Latin Capital Letter O with Macron
Latin ō ō ō \014D U+014D Latin Small Letter O with Macron
Latin Ő Ő Ő \0150 U+0150 Latin Capital Letter O with Double Acute
Latin ő ő ő \0151 U+0151 Latin Small Letter O with Double Acute
Latin ΠΠΠ\0152 U+0152 Latin Capital Ligature Oe
Latin œ œ œ \0153 U+0153 Latin Small Ligature Oe
Latin Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ \0154 U+0154 Latin Capital Letter R with Acute
Latin ŕ ŕ ŕ \0155 U+0155 Latin Small Letter R with Acute
Latin Ŗ Ŗ Ŗ \0156 U+0156 Latin Capital Letter R with Cedilla
Latin ŗ ŗ ŗ \0157 U+0157 Latin Small Letter R with Cedilla
Latin Ř Ř Ř \0158 U+0158 Latin Capital Letter R with Caron
Latin ř ř ř \0159 U+0159 Latin Small Letter R with Caron
Latin Ś Ś Ś \015A U+015A Latin Capital Letter S with Acute
Latin ś ś ś \015B U+015B Latin Small Letter S with Acute
Latin Ŝ Ŝ Ŝ \015C U+015C Latin Capital Letter S with Circumflex
Latin ŝ ŝ ŝ \015D U+015D Latin Small Letter S with Circumflex
Latin Ş Ş Ş \015E U+015E Latin Capital Letter S with Cedilla
Latin ş ş ş \015F U+015F Latin Small Letter S with Cedilla
Latin Š Š Š \0160 U+0160 Latin Capital Letter S with Caron
Latin š š š \0161 U+0161 Latin Small Letter S with Caron
Latin Ţ Ţ Ţ \0162 U+0162 Latin Capital Letter T with Cedilla
Latin ţ ţ ţ \0163 U+0163 Latin Small Letter T with Cedilla
Latin Ť Ť Ť \0164 U+0164 Latin Capital Letter T with Caron
Latin ť ť ť \0165 U+0165 Latin Small Letter T with Caron
Latin Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ \0166 U+0166 Latin Capital Letter T with Stroke
Latin ŧ ŧ ŧ \0167 U+0167 Latin Small Letter T with Stroke
Latin Ũ Ũ Ũ \0168 U+0168 Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde
Latin ũ ũ ũ \0169 U+0169 Latin Small Letter U with Tilde
Latin Ū Ū Ū \016A U+016A Latin Capital Letter U with Macron
Latin ū ū ū \016B U+016B Latin Small Letter U with Macron
Latin Ŭ Ŭ Ŭ \016C U+016C Latin Capital Letter U with Breve
Latin ŭ ŭ ŭ \016D U+016D Latin Small Letter U with Breve
Latin Ů Ů Ů \016E U+016E Latin Capital Letter U with Ring Above
Latin ů ů ů \016F U+016F Latin Small Letter U with Ring Above
Latin Ű Ű Ű \0170 U+0170 Latin Capital Letter U with Double Acute
Latin ű ű ű \0171 U+0171 Latin Small Letter U with Double Acute
Latin Ų Ų Ų \0172 U+0172 Latin Capital Letter U with Ogonek
Latin ų ų ų \0173 U+0173 Latin Small Letter U with Ogonek
Latin Ŵ Ŵ Ŵ \0174 U+0174 Latin Capital Letter W with Circumflex
Latin ŵ ŵ ŵ \0175 U+0175 Latin Small Letter W with Circumflex
Latin Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ \0176 U+0176 Latin Capital Letter Y with Circumflex
Latin ŷ ŷ ŷ \0177 U+0177 Latin Small Letter Y with Circumflex
Latin Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ \0178 U+0178 Latin Capital Letter Y with Diaeresis
Latin Ź Ź Ź \0179 U+0179 Latin Capital Letter Z with Acute
Latin ź ź ź \017A U+017A Latin Small Letter Z with Acute
Latin Ż Ż Ż \017B U+017B Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Above
Latin ż ż ż \017C U+017C Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Above
Latin Ž Ž Ž \017D U+017D Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron
Latin ž ž ž \017E U+017E Latin Small Letter Z with Caron
Latin ̑ ̑ ̑ \0311 U+0311 Combining Inverted Breve